Philosophy, Psychology, Poetry & Music


The multi-instrumentalist Emil Amos is known as drummer of post-rock band Grails and drone metal band OM. My favorite Amos’ project is the cinematic duo Lilacs & Champagne. It was created to be a direct tribute to the musical outsiders of the past. His very personal side project is Holy Sons with mainly acoustic, folkish and little psychedelic songs. His „also like” artists: Jandek, Scout Niblett and Damo Suzuki show the way.


Holy Sons’ umpteenth album will be released on Thrill Jockey in September. Among the 4 bonus tracks Circle Jerks, Black  Flag and Slapshot covers. There’re free to download:

„I began to struggle with severe depersonalization, where nothing seems real. You don’t think you’re actually alive. You basically melt down the DNA of your personality, and become a puddle of broken-down potentialities. It took me years to figure out why I would still want to exist, let alone function in front of others. (…) I’m still trying to piece together my mind.”  Read the full interview


Shower Scene with Lilacs and Champagne


Lilacs & Champagne is an alternative project of Emil Amos (drums) and Alex Hall (guitar) from Grails which plays instrumental cinematic music. They have started a fantasy record series Midnight Features. Inspired by the Marvel comics series What if? These were alternative stories of well-known super heroes of Marvel. In musical equivalents of these the band places himself into various musical eras. The first chapter, the Shower Scene takes place in the 70s, and was inspired by the background music of TV shows, crimes, dramas, romantics and more.

Shower Scene + Maple St

EP out now on Mexican Summer

From New Records


lilacsLilacs & Champagne is a project of an instrumental rock band, the Grails’ two members, Emil Amos and Alex Hall. The L & C was created to be a direct tribute to the musical outsiders of the past. The Danish & Blue album made up of sounds sourced from Scandinavian porn and hyper-obscure b-movies from the late 60s.

Alone Again and… 


melchiorDan Melchior‘s pink vinyl by an Aussie label. Only 100 copies! To tell the truth I think that his name speaks for itself and no need more words, but I know: OK the name speaks for a very good witty musician but this is known by only few people. This circumstance needs more words: after the split of his short lived first band (where his girlfriend plays trash cans) Dan Melchior sent a cassette to Billy Childish. With him, but mainly with Holly Golightly (It’s not a stage-name! Really.) worked together.

Distributed: UK     Europe     USA     Aus/Japan

Új lemezekről

Amerika közepén, Kansas állam Lawrence nevű százezres sincs kisvárosában a legjobb nyugdíjasnak lenni – állítja egy felmérés. A New York Times 2005-ben azt írta, hogy Chicago és Denver között itt van a legéletképesebb zenei élet. Talán a közeli Kansas Cityre 1983-ban mért szovjet atomcsapás mellékhatásaként. Amit persze csak TV filmen lehetett látni. Van még itt két Nobel-díjas, meg egy William S. Burroughs nevű író, meg a februrár 25.-i RNR666 buli egyik fellépője, a Fag Cop, akik olykor Ex-Fag Cop-nak hívják magukat, és egy helyen nu jazznek címkézik ezt a kedves zenét:

A lemez február 1.-én jelenik meg. Budapesten a francia Catholic Spray társaságában lépnek fel feburár 25.-én a Trafikban.


Grails nevű pszichedelikus rockzenekar gitárosa és dobosa alkotja a Lilacs & Champagne-t.

Lilacs by Mexican Summer Records




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